Immerse yourself in local culture
Art Inciting Conflict
“All art is political in the sense that it serves someone’s politics.” – August Wilson, The Paris Review, Winter 1999. “All art is at once surface and symbol. Those who go beneath the surface do
Universal Coping with Grief
It’s an early Tuesday morning. A few days after the horrific and daunting news of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Connecticut. The 24-hour media cycle documents eyewitness accounts, and social media updates commemorate
New York City: A New Home
Fast paced. Full of life, history, art and culture. The city doesn’t mess around. It’s been almost six months since my move from Boston. Having lived in another country and being accustomed to a slightly
Why I Will Always Love Radio
“In seeking truth you have to get both sides of a story.” – Walter Cronkite on journalism. It all started in my teens. Watching the evening news sparked a curiosity on many levels. Learning about
New York City: A Cultural "Global Kitchen"
It unites. It creates a cultural footprint. It is delicious, rich, and comforting: food. Beyond those qualities, food is a powerful resource. Unfortunately, the reality is that it is not equally accessible throughout the world,
An Homage to Boston: Six Years
Much can happen in six years. Six years of my life were in Boston – four of which at Emerson College. People will tell you that college is an experience like no other in your
A Walk In the North Woods of Central Park
NYC is the epitome of constant movement, culture, and liveliness. While it’s great to live in a city that energizes you, everyone needs a little R&R every now and then. Nature has a very quiet
"Springing Through the Lens Exhibit"
“Photography, as a powerful medium of expression and communications, offers an infinite variety of perception, interpretation and execution.” – Ansel Adams Photography expresses the unspoken, yet emotive. Because it’s open to perception and interpretation, there
Commemorating Queensday 2013
The mood is infectious. There’s a burst of orange all over. A country is celebrating and upholding an important tradition. I’m describing none other than Koninginnedag, or Queensday, in the Netherlands. This annual holiday (which
New Look!
Spring is here and it’s a great time to start fresh! I’ve given my site a makeover. Many thanks to those who have followed along for a while (and commenting/liking), and welcome to new followers.