Posts Tagged: road trip
- May 4, 2012
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Shaping Cultural Experiences
Travel has been an integral part of my life since I was a young child. I grew up in a multicultural, bilingual home in the Netherlands with a Polish mother and a Dutch father. My
- May 10, 2012
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Update & BBC News Link
A brief update: One interview video will be uploaded tomorrow evening. I believe the BBC News One-Minute World News provides well-balanced reporting of news, hence why I wanted to share it. Top stories on May
- May 11, 2012
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From Nigeria to Boston
When you first meet Oluwagbeminiyi Osidipe, you encounter a very vibrant, friendly, and unique personality. Oluwagbeminiyi or Niyi – as she shortened her name for simplicity – was named by her mother, who had a “very personal experience” when she had her, Niyi explained. Niyi is a Yoruba Nigerian transplant who arrived in the U.S. in 2006. As one of the most densely populated (West) African countries, Nigeria derives its name from the river that spans its land. To the South, it borders the Gulf of Guinea to the Atlantic Ocean. Originally colonized by the British, Nigeria gained independence in 1960. Its main ethnic groups are the Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba, who speak English and their own respective languages, while major religions include Islam, Christianity and indigenous beliefs. Niyi shares her story, her views on politics, cultural differences she’s embraced with humor, and what we can learn from each other by expressing curiosity. Her message is simple: travel enriches us through its exposure to new cultures, and enables us to grow.
- May 16, 2012
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Mark Twain on Travel
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.” (American author Mark Twain, Innocents Abroad).
Have you had the opportunity to travel (extensively, within your country, or even once abroad)? Can you relate to Twain’s sentiments? How does travel enrich us?
- May 19, 2012
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Pleasing The Taste Palate
Food has the wonderful quality of uniting us no matter where we are. There is nothing partisan or narrow-minded about food. It simply invites us to indulge, create recipes, and share with others. Two of my favorite Polish dishes (included in collage) are pierogies and barszcz czerwony – a beetroot soup – served on Christmas Eve in Poland. How does food bring us together? What are some of your favorite dishes and why? Can food trigger memories?
- May 23, 2012
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Stereotypes: Truth or Fiction?
DEFINING STEREOTYPES: “An idea or statement about all of the members of a group or all the instances of a situation.” (Merriam-Webster). Stereotypes enable bias and preconceived notions to perpetuate, but can also reveal valid
- May 29, 2012
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Annual Human Rights Report
“The world changed immeasurably over the course of 2011. Across the Middle East, North Africa, and far beyond, citizens stood up to demand respect for human dignity, more promising economic opportunities, greater political liberties, and
- May 31, 2012
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Euro Crisis & Emerging Stereotypes
Brief Crisis Breakdown Since the onset of the global financial crisis, or Great Recession, in 2007, the Eurozone has feared impending growing global debt levels, as well as sovereign debt within European countries themselves. In
- June 4, 2012
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Remembering Tiananmen
Today marks the 23rd anniversary of Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests in Beijing, China. Inflation, a lack of career prospects, the fall of Eastern European communism, and political corruption, are all said to have fueled anger
- June 7, 2012
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Coffee's Uniting Power
A cup of coffee can bridge cultural gaps. At least, that’s what Gizem Salgicil White, founder of, believes. Her organization aims to create awareness of Turkish culture, particularly within America. Gizem is a Turkish native,
- Guest Blogger
- May 28, 2019
How to Take an American Craft Brewery Road Trip
Today’s CultureTrav guest post is by Trevor McDonald Are you a fan of microbrews? Maybe Indiana Pale Ale (IPA) is more your thing. Either way, you can taste a mouthful –and quite the variety—on an
- Guest Blogger
- March 13, 2019
Eyebrow-Raising Border Lines in the USA
Today’s CultureTrav post is by Marielle Lea Sometimes, the best parts of a road trip are the moments you stumble on little-known landmarks. They’re unique in their own ways, even if they don’t gather quite
- Guest Blogger
- June 21, 2018
A Road Trip Through Australia – How I Did It
Today’s Culture with Travel post is by Emma Lewis My family got tired of watching movies about family road trips and attempting to live vicariously through their fictional experiences. We wanted to get up and make
- Guest Blogger
- May 25, 2018
How to Prepare for a Leh, Ladakh Road Trip
Today’s Culture with Travel post is by Leigh Marcos How to Prepare for a Leh, Ladakh Road Trip Tourism is booming in Leh, with a 30% annual increase in visitors. However, with a vast and open countryside, it’s
- Guest Blogger
- March 23, 2018
Keeping Your Guitar Safe On A Road Trip
Today’s Culture with Travel post is by Leigh Marcos Anyone who has had the pleasure of embarking on a road trip across South Africa either as a musician, or accompanying one, will know that a gorgeous
- Guest Blogger
- March 5, 2018
Why My West Coast Trip Will Always Remain with Me
Today’s Culture with Travel post is by Trevor McDonald I grew up in a small town in southern Oregon and moved to Portland when I was sixteen. Although my parents took me on semi-annual trips
- Guest Blogger
- February 5, 2018
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My Adventures: Surviving on $100 for 5 Days in Utah
Today’s Culture with Travel post is by Emma Rundle Since my childhood, I have been delighted by traveling. No matter what adventures you have, distant voyages or local trips here in the US, it’s always
- Guest Blogger
- August 8, 2017
Exploring Dutchess County: Summer Road Trip
Today’s Culture with Travel post originally appeared on Jessie on a Journey A big thanks to Navdy for sponsoring my trip, and to Dutchess Tourism for helping to set up the activities! By Jessica Festa of Jessie
Chasing Wild Ponies in Virginia
I have been on the “road” since I was a little girl. I remember when my Polish grandpa and I would drive all the way from Katowice, Poland to my hometown in Oss, The Netherlands.
- digitallessburn on Learning to Cook Uzbek Food in Brooklyn with The League of Kitchens
- How to Immerse Yourself in Local Culture While Traveling on How to Meaningfully Immerse Yourself
- Plan Your Dream Italian Summer: Hidden Gems and Must-See Spots – Scoop Trends on Savoring the Earthy Flavors of Umbria
- exoticindiatours on Four Tips for Building a Cross-Cultural Family
- 8 Tips for Crafting the Ultimate Surprise Getaway for Your Beloved - Senior Cruise Planning and Tips on Travel Preferences: What’s Your Style?
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